Avonex is one of the brand names under which Interferon beta-1a has been marketed. Other product names include Rebif, CinnoVex and Actovex. Interferon beta-1a is developed from mammalian cells and used to treat multiple sclerosis. The product is presently available only in injectable forms, and has been associated with skin reactions at the point of injection, including conditions leading to necrosis, or death of skin cells.
Because interferons are produced in the body during an illness, such as the flu, they may contribute to flu-like symptoms in patients, including fever, muscle aches, headaches and general fatigue. There is also some evidence to indicate that Avonex and its clones may affect liver function.
If you or someone you love has suffered side effects after using Avonex, GetLegal has the tools and resources to help you find skilled legal representation to protect your rights. Visit our attorney directory, look for your geographic location and find the best lawyer for your situation.
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