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Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment used to provide women with relief from the symptoms of menopause, perimenopause and postmenopause.

When menopause occurs, the drop in estrogen and progesterone levels can cause a woman to experience periods of sweating and heat (hot flashes), vaginal discomfort (itching, burning and dryness) and a loss of libido.

HRT is also used for women who have experienced surgical menopause brought on by an ovarohysterectomy, the removal of the ovaries and uterus. Surgical menopause results in a more sudden drop in sexual-hormone levels.

Related to natural menopause, HRT is usually prescribed as short-term relief, generally less than five years. Younger women with surgical menopause may use the therapy for many years until the age when natural menopause would occur.

Clinical studies have shown that HRT is associated with a significantly increased risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancers. HRT also can cause heart attacks, strokes, asthma, blood clots in the lungs and legs, dementia and immune system disorders such as lupus.

To learn more about legal claims relating to Hormone Replacement Therapy, you should consult an attorney who practices in the area of drugs and medical devices.

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