GetLegal opens the doors to its new Downtown Fort Worth headquarters this week. GetLegal’s new location is just north of I-30 in the Frost Bank Building of The Summit Office Park. Here is our new street and mailing address:
1300 Summit Avenue
Suite 670 | Map
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Our main phone number remains the same: 817-359-7077.
GetLegal maintains a family of websites that are among the most useful, informative, and reliable legal resources on the web. In addition to the award-winning website, the company’s other sites include GetLegalTV and FuenteLegal. GetLegalTV highlights video content, while FuenteLegal features Spanish-language information on topics relating to U.S. law.
GetLegal also offers web marketing services for lawyers and law firms. Its products include website development, social media and online marketing tools, online directory listings, and online reputation management.