While most drivers are safe and aim to obey the rules, some have some unsafe habits and violate road rules in ways that increase the likelihood of crashing. Let’s look at some common driving violations that increase your risk of injury.
Speeding or Driving Aggressively
Speeding is perhaps the most common road violation. Speed limits exist for a reason, and we should all obey them to keep our roads as safe as possible. Driving too fast makes it harder to react to hazards and also makes you a danger to others on the road.
Being overly aggressive is another unsafe driving habit to watch out for. This can include tailgating, running red lights, disobeying signs, and taking your anger out on other drivers. Thankfully, there are ways to move past these habits and become a better driver. For example, a defensive driving course, like the one offered by YourPace, can improve your knowledge and teach you to drive less aggressively and more safely.
Improper Lane Changes and Not Signaling
Changing lanes is something many drivers do dozens of times every day. Unfortunately, many do it incorrectly, passing when they shouldn’t, swerving erratically, or cutting off other drivers. Such behavior can cause accidents that otherwise wouldn’t take place.
A crucial part of any lane change is to use your signal light ahead of time. It lets others on the road know your intentions, so they can prepare and adjust accordingly. Always use your signal when turning or switching lanes. Turn on the signal before you make your move, not during.
Not Wearing a Seatbelt
Seatbelts have a use rate of over 90% in the United States. Still, that means millions of people are not wearing seatbelts. If you’re involved in an accident, a seatbelt can keep you from being flung from the car and suffering major physical injuries.
Distracted Driving
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are injured in car crashes involving distracted drivers. Driving distractions while have always existed, but nowadays, they seem more prevalent since everyone has their smartphone all the time. Many drivers get distracted with texting, news alerts, checking their music, and various other things.
Other common distractions include eating, passengers in the car, and daydreaming. It takes only a second of being distracted for something to go wrong and result in an accident. To prevent disaster, always keep your phone out of reach when driving, and do your best to reduce or eliminate things around you that might be a distraction while driving.