Government Agencies And Programs

Government Agencies And Progams

Do you need to apply for Medicaid or Medicare benefits for yourself or a loved one? Are you interested in providing services to the state or federal government? Are your rights being threatened because of the actions of a state or federal agency? Whatever your needs, working with a governmental entity can be intimidating, confusing and exhausting. The better informed you are throughout the process, the more likely you’ll get the outcome you want.’s Government Agencies and Programs Law Center gives you access to key information about the various benefits available to you, from medical insurance or coverage to welfare programs, including Social Security Disability. You’ll also find summaries of administrative laws, as well as the components of government contracts.

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  • Medicaid is a medical-assistance program jointly financed by state and federal governments for low-income individuals.

    Medicaid Services

  • Medicare is a federally funded system of health and hospital insurance for people age 65 and older, people younger than 65 who receive Social Security benefits and people who need dialysis or kidney transplants for the treatment of end-stage renal disease.

    Medicare Services

  • Welfare benefits are generally available to individuals and families with little or no income.

    Welfare Benefits

  • Administrative law governs the actions of the executive branch of government, as implemented, monitored and enforced by state and federal administrative agencies.

    Administrative Law

  • The federal government is the single largest contractor in the United States. Federal contracts are subject to extensive regulation and review.

    Federal Government Contracts

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