When you think of being a kid at wintertime, what comes to mind? Holidays, certainly. Probably skating and sledding; maybe snowball fights…unless, of course, you grew up in Severance, Colorado. Until a few weeks ago, snowball fights were illegal in ... [Read more...]
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life: Your Privacy Rights on Myspace and Facebook May Be Less Than You Think
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS ON MYSPACE AND FACEBOOK MAY BE LESS THAN YOU THINK Many of us underestimate how much we count on a sort of privacy that relies on others not taking the time or energy to check up on us. It is not ... [Read more...]
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life: Town Missteps in Ruling Against Dance Classes
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life Town Missteps in Ruling Against Dance Classes If it's been a few years since you saw Footloose, you might have lost track of the battle against sexy dancing, but it roared back to life recently when a Pennsylvania ... [Read more...]
Town Missteps in Ruling Against Dance Classes
If it's been a few years since you saw Footloose, you might have lost track of the battle against sexy dancing, but it roared back to life recently when a Pennsylvania dance instructor was denied a permit for her dance studio because she wanted to ... [Read more...]