Medtronic Defibrillators

Medtronic DefibrillatorsImplanted cardioverter defibrillators are small devices implanted below the collarbone to monitor and correct irregular rhythm of the heart (arrhythmias). Defibrillators release jolts of electricity that restore normal rhythms and prevent sudden cardiac death. These devices can also act as pacemakers when a slow heart rhythm is detected.

Medtronic Recalls Cardiac Defibrillators

In February 2005, Medtronic announced a recall of two models of its cardiac defibrillators. This recall was a result of possible battery defects in the Marquis and Maximo VR/DR defibrillators and the InSync I/II/III Marquis and InSync III Protect CRT-D lines. The recall included approximately 87,000 implantable cardioverter defibrillators manufactured between April 2001 and December 2003. These battery defects could result in device failure, which could be deadly if a necessary cardiac shock needs to be administered.

In 2004, Medtronic recalled two other defibrillators that had been linked to injury and death. This recall involved the Medtronic Micro Jewel II (Model 7223Cx) and Medtronic GEM DR (Model 7271). This recall also was related to a battery defect.

Read the FDA press release warning against Medtronic implanted defibrillators.

To learn more about legal claims relating to Medtronic defibrillators, consult an attorney who practices in the area of drugs and medical devices.

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