When you have to make the difficult decision to put a loved one into a nursing home, you want to know that they will be well-cared-for in their final years. Unfortunately, most nursing homes today are run by hedge funds, with the focus on profit over quality of care. As a result, nursing homes are chronically understaffed, and the people they do hire are under-qualified and are motivated by little more than a paycheck. The consequence—your family member suffers.
Residents in nursing homes need regular care and monitoring to minimize the risk of serious injury. Some of the more frequent injuries that arise in nursing homes include:
When you are looking to hire an attorney to handle a nursing home neglect and abuse claim, the most important thing to look for is recent experience handling this type of claim. Nursing home negligence claims involve complex state and federal regulations, including Medicaid and Medicare provisions. It’s not enough to have a good personal injury attorney. Your lawyer needs to understand the process and the laws governing nursing home neglect and abuse.
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How Does Subrogation Facilitate the Payment of Insurance Claims? When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident and ... Read More
Is Common Law Marriage Still Enforced? How Is a Common Law Marriage Terminated? The vast majority of people who get mar... Read More
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