COLUMN: The Law in Real Life Town Missteps in Ruling Against Dance Classes If it's been a few years since you saw Footloose, you might have lost track of the battle against sexy dancing, but it roared back to life recently when a Pennsylvania ... [Read more...]
Columns & Commentary
Town Missteps in Ruling Against Dance Classes
If it's been a few years since you saw Footloose, you might have lost track of the battle against sexy dancing, but it roared back to life recently when a Pennsylvania dance instructor was denied a permit for her dance studio because she wanted to ... [Read more...]
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life: Why Judges Need Rules
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life Why Judges Need Rules: The Case of the Dissent That Wasn't Judges have robes for a variety of reasons, one of which is to present an image of unity. Sports teams wear uniforms; so do the salespeople at Best Buy. The ... [Read more...]
Why Judges Need Rules
Judges have robes for a variety of reasons, one of which is to present an image of unity. Sports teams wear uniforms; so do the salespeople at Best Buy. The robe uniform makes judges seem like a team. This appearance is reflected in much of the ... [Read more...]
COMMENTARY: Women’s Right to Contraception and Pharmacists’ Religious Freedoms Must Be Protected
Every day, millions of Americans take for granted the fact that they can go to their local pharmacy and get a prescription filled with little or no hassle. That is not the reality for some women, however, as some pharmacists refuse to fill certain ... [Read more...]
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life: Sick Leave Policy: Legislation Could Ease Burden on Sick Workers
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life Sick Leave Policy: Legislation Could Ease Burden on Sick Workers Think about the last time you ate food that other people had recently touched. Fast-food cooks, grocery store clerks, baristas — whoever. How ... [Read more...]
Sick Leave Policy: Legislation Could Ease Burden on Sick Workers
Think about the last time you ate food that other people had recently touched. Fast-food cooks, grocery store clerks, baristas — whoever. How confident are you that these people weren't sick? Would it make you less confident if you knew that they ... [Read more...]
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life: Bratz Case Raises Concerns of Jury Bias
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life Bratz Case Raises Concerns of Jury Bias When you're in the hands of other people, how good can you expect them to be? It sounds like an abstract question, but it became a reality after the latest twist in the ... [Read more...]
Bratz Case Raises Concerns of Jury Bias
When you're in the hands of other people, how good can you expect them to be? It sounds like an abstract question, but it became a reality after the latest twist in the bitter battle between Mattel, which makes the iconic Barbie doll, and rival ... [Read more...]
COMMENTARY: Court Ruling in Exorcism Case Sets a Dangerous Precedent
In June, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that a church is not liable for injuries its members inflicted while performing an exorcism. The Court misapplied the law and, in doing so, set a dangerous precedent. The Facts In June 1996, 17-year-old Laura ... [Read more...]